Medical Writing Seminar “Developing Writing and Oral Presentation Skills” (2017/3/26)

The speakers and topics of the next seminar have been finalized.
Please join us on 26 March 2017!

日時: 2017年3 月 26 日 (日) 10:00~ 16:00
会場: 慶應義塾大学医学部 新教育研究棟4階 講堂 (東京都新宿区信濃町35)
[一般] 事前登録 18,000円,当日 20,000円
[学生] 事前登録 9,000円,当日 10,000円 (学部生に限る)
[会員割引] 15,000円 (日本医学英語教育学会会員対象)


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  1. Preparing the delivery: How to present without worry
    Alan Hauk (東邦大学医学部)
  2. Presentation English: Useful sentences, phrases and vocabulary
    Clive Langham (日本大学歯学部)
  3. Workshop: Writing correct, clear and concise English that follows the conventions of medical writing
    Raoul Breugelmans (東京医科大学)
  4. Practice activity: Improving your abstract
    David Kipler (医学ライター/エディター)


Preparing the delivery: How to present without worry

Alan Hauk (東邦大学医学部)
Every presentation has two important aspects: the contents and the delivery. A successful presentation depends just as much on presentation skills as it does on the contents. Fortunately, these presentation skills can be learned and improved with proper preparation. Knowing the audience, making effective use of voice and body language, gaining confidence in speaking skills, and preparing for the Q & A session are elements that can help the presenter give a successful and memorable presentation.

Presentation English: Useful sentences, phrases and vocabulary

Clive Langham (日本大学歯学部)
The speaker focuses on English that will help you to improve the clarity of your presentation, and will look at the following points:
How to create a dynamic but simple way of starting your presentation and explaining the structure
How to introduce slides, explain data and emphasize the main message
How to finish your presentation strongly with a clear message using a summary slide

Workshop: Writing correct, clear and concise English that follows the conventions of medical writing

Raoul Breugelmans (東京医科大学)
“A series of experiments was conducted” or “A series of experiments were conducted”?
“A 40-year-old male” or “A 40-year-old man”?
“A biopsy of the mass was performed” or “The mass was biopsied”?
Good medical English writing uses correct grammar and spelling, is clear in meaning without ambiguity, and is as concise as possible. It must also follow style conventions that are specific to the field of medicine.
In this hands-on workshop we will look at real-life examples of common problems in medical English writing and learn the basic principles of correct, clear and concise English that follows the conventions of medical writing. .

Practice activity: Improving your abstract

David Kipler (医学ライター/エディター)
Abstracts are carefully reviewed to determine if an article is worth reading or publishing. A poorly written abstract suggests to the reader that the study is of low quality. To create a complete and accurate picture of their research, authors need to write and revise their abstracts with great care. The speaker will present activities that help participants identify common problems in abstracts (and medical writing generally). Clarity and concision will be emphasized.