JMLE* Past English Questions on Quizlet
Can you correctly answer all the English questions on the Japan Medical Licensing Examination (JMLE)?
Can you correctly answer all the English questions on the Japan Medical Licensing Examination (JMLE)?
仁科雅良先生(島根大学救急医学講座前教授)が運営するウェブサイト「救急医から見たドラマER」をご紹介いたします …
Teaching medical English presents an opportunity to help sensitize students to various characteristics of medical terms, that can be helpful for students in their future studies of technical terms …
Using YouTube in class? This next-level tool will blow your mind! It’s so easy, all you need to do is…
Here you can find a PPT file with 34 questions in English from the past national examinations for medical practitioners …
This post is for those of you who would like to harness the power of ChatGPT to practice your history taking skills. Using this method, you’ll be able to have …
Are you interested in having your students practice making a case presentation in English? Here you can find a sample teaching procedure for making a case presentation in English and …