JMLE* Past English Questions on Quizlet
Can you correctly answer all the English questions on the Japan Medical Licensing Examination (JMLE)?
Can you correctly answer all the English questions on the Japan Medical Licensing Examination (JMLE)?
仁科雅良先生(島根大学救急医学講座前教授)が運営するウェブサイト「救急医から見たドラマER」をご紹介いたします …
Which do you think is correct; ‘a 55-year-old male‘ or ’a 55-year-old man‘? …
Teaching medical English presents an opportunity to help sensitize students to various characteristics of medical terms, that can be helpful for students in their future studies of technical terms …
It’s often said that scientific writing is different from creative writing. However, the two modes of writing, when done well, share important similarities …
What do you think the Guinness record is for most authors on a single peer-reviewed academic paper? …
Using YouTube in class? This next-level tool will blow your mind! It’s so easy, all you need to do is…
デジタルバッジ(digital badge)とは、オンラインコースで習得したスキル、知識、資格をバッジとして可視化して証明するものです。デジタルバッジは …
Which is correct; 37 °C or 37 ℃? They look exactly the same, you might say …
Which of the following do you think is correct?
(a) A biopsy of the lesion was performed.
(b) The lesion was biopsied. …